Meal Plan : 1700 Calories
Attain your goal in a healthy, Positive way.
Guidelines. If you want to replace some of this items , with the items you have. (Then , do your best to match the calories & protein profile of the brand you are using)
You have full permission to make this plan work but just remember, if you replace 50-80% of this meal plan with processed food, you’re going to be left more hungry. So planning in advance is key ! :D

Balance Calories to FINISH =80 (you can add your spices /sauce/ fruits etc here. However weigh so you’ll know exact calories.
Baki kalori yang perlu ditambahkan = 66.7 (boleh tambah herba/sos/buah-buahan dan sebagainya, pastikan timbang dahulu supaya awak tahu berapa kalori makanan yang ditambahkan.)
Note : To understand how the substitue for the meal plan, Angel has explained in
Zoom Call Playback- Week 3. Do reach staff if you have further question, gf 🫶